Ex-Rotary member from Brill who played Santa at Christmas jailed for sexually abusing children

Peter Jones, from BrillPeter Jones, from Brill
Peter Jones, from Brill
Peter Jones, who was a prominent member of a local Rotary Club was jailed for historic sex abuse crimes on Thursday.

Peter Jones, aged 72, of Windmill Street, Brill, was found guilty by a majority verdict at Aylesbury Crown Court on 15 March to three counts of indecent assault on a child aged between 10 and 14, and one count of indecent assault on a girl aged over 16.

He was sent down on Thursday for 7 years for historic sex abuse crimes.

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Through his work with the Haddenham and District Rotary Club, he was exposed to children.

Peter Jones, from BrillPeter Jones, from Brill
Peter Jones, from Brill

This even involved him dressing up as Santa at a local garden centre for a Christmas event.

He also ran trips to Tanzania to help underprivileged children.

One of the victims, who did not wish to be named stressed how hard it had been for her to come forward.

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She said: " As a victim coming forward it has been an extremely difficult process.

Peter Jones in Tanzania in 2017 with the Haddenham & District Rotary ClubPeter Jones in Tanzania in 2017 with the Haddenham & District Rotary Club
Peter Jones in Tanzania in 2017 with the Haddenham & District Rotary Club

"However, the justice obtained is not only for his victims but also in preventing any future victims.

"This thought has enabled me to keep going despite enduring a 2 year investigation, trial and dealing with the long term impact from the abuse.

"As I stated in my victim impact statement in court, Peter Jones will eventually end his prison sentence, it is the victims who have the life sentence."

Peter Jones left the Rotary club in 2017.

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Peter Jones as 'Santa' at a local garden centrePeter Jones as 'Santa' at a local garden centre
Peter Jones as 'Santa' at a local garden centre

A spokesperson for Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland commented: “Peter Jones chose to terminate his Rotary membership in 2017 and is no longer a member of our organisation.

"The offences in question had nothing to do with his role within Rotary and his actions are not reflective of our membership, who are committed to supporting causes both at home and overseas and are dedicated to bringing about a positive change.

"“We are fully confident that no member of the public has been left alone with the individual during his capacity at Rotary organised events.

"Our policy is that all volunteers are chaperoned by at least one other person and either a parent or guardian accompanies all children.”

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Another of Peter's Victims has bravely come forward, issuing the following statement:

"The sentence does not match the amount of years of internalised trauma and the impact sexual abuse has on the person.

?"I am however a person who strives to make a rainbow out of a storm and will be setting up a charity and supportive campaign to give ‘voice’ to those who have not had the resource to tell their ‘story’.

?"We have suffered immeasurable pain which has defined the way we are – positive and negative. The abuse towards us was incredibly damaging.

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?"I would impress on anyone who is reading this that it is okay to say ‘that happened to me’ and that no one will judge you and the shame will lessen by speaking out.

"I would like to reassure anyone who has or is subject to any type of abuse, that making contact with someone will start a journey towards healing and being the person you deserve to be."

Thames Valley Police said that Jones preyed on his victims over a long period of time, and commended their courage for coming forward.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Cat Cameron of the Child Abuse Investigation Unit, based in Aylesbury, said: “Jones preyed on his victims over a long period of time, and it is only thanks to their bravery in coming forward all this time later that he has now been brought to justice.

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“I would like to commend them and their families for their courage and strength throughout this investigation and trial. I hope that the sentence will provide them with some closure.

“This case shows that no matter how long since an offence such as these are committed, Thames Valley Police will always investigate and aim to secure convictions in order to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice.

“I would urge anyone who has been a victim of this sort of offence to come forward and talk to police.”